By Mabimbi Don
Spinach in Africa may grow naturally or artificially. Most people find it easy to afford and cheap as it uses less time in preparing it.
In Urban areas Spinach is taken as a part to complete balance diet while in rural areas may be used as the main vegetable for both lunch and dinner as well.
In the picture below is the final look of our African Spinach roast prepared in about 15 minutes and it can be places at the table with rice, stiff porridge, cassava mix, potatoes mix, e.t.c.
Things to prepare:
Two hand bunches of African Spinach.
One big carrot.
Two tomatoes.
One red pepper.
One bulb onion.
Three full spoon of grinded grand nuts.
One full spoon of salt.
Cooking steps:
Wash and cut into pieces Spinach, do the same for Carrot, pepper and onion.
Start to fry onions, carrots and pepper together, add grinded garlic, mix it. Add tomato and keep mix.
Put in Spinach pieces, add salt ontop and cover the pan, wait for 3 minutes.
Open pan and mix them together, add grindes nuts, cover pan and let the mix boil for3-4 minutes
Open pan and mix the nuts with the Spinach mix, let it boil for 2 minutes.
African Spinach roast is ready, Enjoy.