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Haimin Zhang

Get recognized as a business nowadays through the blockchain technology

By Wirba Brice Divine Ransinyuy.

Editor note: Title has been slightly updated

It does not require you so much knowledge to understand many things happening in the world at this precise moment. With some events going to affect the world directly in the years to come or in the near future. While in some aspects, the effects are already visible in our daily activities. In front of such activities and effects, how could one possibly make it through in the world of business? A world already possessed by a very few, that is the rich, making things to be much harder that it was at first. Like the say goes, where there is business, there are all sorts of vices. Facing such realities, how could you get recognized as a business?

During such moments, it is no doubt, the role and importance of the blockchain technology and if need be, digital currency becomes so much vital and is of great value. This is in that, you will need to secure your business which could be done with the use of specific codes or a specific schema. China if not the leading country in economic, business affairs is a staggering example of a country that has understood that to be recognized as a business tycoon or a leader in business, it has to reinforce its vitality in the use of the blockchain technology and digital currencies as it especially it comes at a time, China is involved in many types businesses, be it local businesses or international businesses. In a wide report, China’s central bank is on a good step of establishing and launching its own digital currency. It is not like, they are out to create a digital currency, and no it is not this. What would take place will be issuing of a digital form of their local currency, the yuan. This comes different to what many countries reckon, that is the creation of a digital currency that often starts with the letter “e” standing for electronic. In the Chinese case, it is neither a supplicate or a complementary of the local currency, it is simply having it into two forms, the physical and digital forms. This is done in order to be used in the facilitation of retail payments and also for online and offline businesses of different scales and dimensions. As a result of this, it has instigated other nations to follow the steps in order not to be left behind by China who is moving further and further. This is notably the case with the European Union and the United States of America as they will be joined by private initiatives, notably the Facebook-led Libra project, with Facebook known as a powerhouse of Social Medias.

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