By Dahiza Umar
ABOUT THE RECIPE: This is the Pakistani’s famous and traditional recipe of old ages.
Actually its origin from days when old chapatis were used to make this dessert. But nowadays we can make it up from fresh bread, chapati and bun.
With the times, this recipe went through the variation in the method of cooking. TRADITION: In Pakistan, on the festivals like Eid and Ramzan it is served in a blissful way. Eid ul fiter is known as ‘’MEETHI EID’’
Festive of dessert and this dish take upon all the day to enjoy that festival. RECIPE: INGREDIENTS:
Milk 1 liter
Bread slices/old chapati 8 pieces
Sugar 1/2 cup
Cooking oil for frying
Almonds for garnishing
Green cardamom 1/2 teaspoon
Method of cooking:
Take milk in a pan, add sugar, cardamom and put it on a slow flame for 25 to 30 minutes.
In a cooking pan add cooking oil and fry the bread slices/ old chapati slices till light brown in colour.
Add crispy slices to the milk that may now thickened and creamy in texture
Put the dish in a bowl add almonds on top for garnish or any other dry fruit of you choice.
Tasty shahi tukrey is ready to serve.