By Wirba Brice Divine Ransinyuy.
Editor note: Title has been slightly updated
After countries have had a critical analysis of the goodness and welfare of the Blockchain technology in coherence with digital currencies, many countries have seemed to seek advised or open up to work with countries that will offer them a sure and guaranteed use of the Blockchain technology. With this, the Dutch government, being the new country to interest itself in the Blockchain technology decided to form an alliance with in order to begin different projects related to the Blockchain technology as before this partnership, the Dutch government carried out 30 different projects in the beginning of the year 2018 being tested of different areas and fields of life like government identity, logistics, taxing and so many other projects that will benefit the society in general. Having noticed the shortness of test being carried out with the used of the technology at hand, they strife for something better and promising which have led them to associate with other organizations like DLT in which in this project to have the best of results, apart from DLT and , the Dutch government is currently working with 25 other organizations as the point of focus of the project are digital identity, better and improved regulation for subsidies on electric vehicles and a better system for tracking working and resting time of employees, thereby avoiding laziness and low professionalism that is becoming more and more prominent in private and public institutions which is being done through the expertise of the Blockchain technology.